Your privacy is very important to us. At, we have a few fundamental principles that we fellow:
Rethumbify (“Rethumbify”, or the “Service”) is both a WordPress plugin and website aimed at helping business owners to easily make all images uniform and the same size. Rethumbify is owned and operated by Nabil Lemsieh AE – TAX N° 29482327 (“Rethumbify”, “we” or “us”). As a customer of the service, you’re a “Member” according to this agreement (or “You”).
Rethumbify website collect personal data in two ways: When using the website, including filling out forms, purchasing a license, or contacting us via the contact page. When browsing the website, where technical and non-identifiable data are being collected.
Cookies are small text files stored on your device. Rethumbify uses first-party cookies, which allow it to identify you when you use the website. Rethumbify allows third-parties to place cookies. These third-party cookies are used for Rethumbify’s services and marketing services.
The website uses several third-party services that act in order to provide you with license purchase, access, advertising, social sharing, and other services. The following third-parties have limited access to some of your personal data.